
Showing posts with the label Significance of Slogan Trademark for Business

The Significance of Slogan Trademark for Brands

  If you have business and looking for   trademark registration   for your business, then registering   slogan trademark   from   top law firm   is strongly recommended. This blog aims to highlight significance of slogan trademark for brands. Impact of Slogan Trademark for Business Slogan trademark  is a unique and impactful sentence that is used with brand name and logo. Slogan acts as supportive instrument in retaining the brand in the consumer's mind. For example, "Impossible is Nothing" is slogan of popular shoe brand Adidas; "Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai" is slogan of Mountain Dew, etc. Significantly, there are many veteran industries use slogansand taglines to create hype in their target market. Significance of Slogan Trademark for Business Slogan trademark  enhances credibility of brands. When slogan is unique and impactful then people start associating with the brand. Catchy slogan gets stuck in head and people automatically start recognizin...